The moment we've all been waiting for is here! The Blackfire Chronicles Volume Three is available for pre-order! What happens in this latest volume? You will learn what is next for Revan, Arval and more in this epic adventure.
Thank you in advance for giving this latest work by Mark Sowers a read. If you purchase the Kindle version, please read to the end and take a moment to leave a review - doing so is very helpful to all authors who self-publish. You can purchase this book in Kindle Edition, Kindle Unlimited or in paperback. Mark will be offering a limited time special for this new volume as well as the the other volumes in this series. Be sure to follow his Amazon author page so you can get updates.
Special thanks the the artist who created the cover of this book,none other than neutronboar, an phenomenal artist who was great to work with and did a fabulous job. |
Years in the making and countless hours writing, Mark Sowers has published six books so far and just published his latest volume in the epic "The Blackfire Chronicles" Series.
This is incredible saga of Revan, a boy who toils for nearly all of his young life in a pit to unearth a massive monolithic structure and of his harrowing escape and the start of his many adventures. Follow the tales of Revan his friends, enemies and learn if he will solve the mystery of the Blackfire and bring the return of magic. Mark is currently working on The Blackfire Chronicles, Volume 4. In addition he is working on another awesome adventure and completing a collection of short stories. You can follow his blog, follow him on Minds and and as an author on Amazon to be notified of any new releases. |
Society's House of Intractable Tension
The Blackfire Chronicles, Volume 2
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